Our science center begins with ideas

The Power of Positive Thinking: How STEM Can Transform Your Life.

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Arts play a crucial role in promoting

Creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.Primary students often participate in hands-on art projects that require them to apply scientific principles

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These activities go beyond mere interaction

Swith digital devices and focus on hands-on experiences that integrate technology with other STEM components.

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About Us

STEM Park Dar es Salaam

Based on STEM We believe that Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education forms a foundation for lifelong learning and curiosity, At STEM Park we inspire children and youth to build on their innate desire for answers by exploring STEM activities in a fun, project-based integrated hands-on way. We offer afterschool programs, school visits, school outreaches, birthday parties, and special events designed to present participants with mind-stimulating yet accessible STEM activities from which they can learn and grow. We are turning ideas into reality. Are you ready to learn more about our programs? Explore our site and book your favorite program today.

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Our weekly Sessions

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Weekends and School Sessions


On a normal Saturday and Sunday a Science Center offers STEM sessions, which are educational workshops or activities focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM sessions provide a fun and interactive way for children to learn about these important subjects and can help foster a lifelong interest in science and technology.

Age 3 - 14 years old
Every Saturday From 10:00 A.M - 01:00 P.M


We provide STEM in Sunday as an extra-curricular activity. Many Students attends after-school programs, that allow students to explore and develop their interests in science, technology, engineering, and math. These programs can include activities such as robotics, coding, science experiments and math, Where students experience hands on activities.

Age 3 - 14 years old
Every Sunday From 10:00 A.M - 12:30 P.M


We provide STEM in schools as an extra-curricular activity. Many schools offer after-school STEM programs, clubs, or competitions that allow students to explore and develop their interests in science, technology, engineering, and math. These programs can include activities such as robotics, coding, science experiments and Math.Where students experience hands on activities.

Age 3 - 14 years old
Every day From 09:00 A.M - 05:00 P.M

Exploration with Exhibits

Magic Swing

Principles of motion, gravity, and equilibrium The swing's motion, combined with the tilted platform and other visual elements, can create a distorted sense of perspective and depth perception in the mind.

Sound Tube

The exhibit demonstrates the principles of sound waves and how they travel through different materials. The sound tube exhibit demonstrates how sound waves can reflect, refract, and interfere with one another


Elasticity, potential energy, and motion. In terms of elasticity, the trampoline exhibit demonstrates the principle of Hooke's Law, In terms of potential energy,this is a conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy.